“All the time and effort that people devote to picking the right fund, the hot hand, the great manager, have in most cases led to no advantage.”  – Peter Lynch, famed Fidelity Mallegan Fund Manager
“It won’t be the economy that will do in investors; it will be investors themselves.” – Warren Buffet, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
“The investor’s chief problem-and even his worst enemy-is likely to be himself.” – Benjamin Graham, Professor and mentor to Warren Buffett.
Our Investing Philosophy

Every investor has an investment plan.  Some watch financial news channels, some subscribe to newsletters, while others simply throw darts at a board and hope for the best.  Where does this get them?

Each year, Lipper, performs a study that looks at the returns of the average investor over the last rolling 20-year period and each year the results are the same:  the average investor not only does not beat the benchmark, they do not even meet the returns of the mutual funds they are invested in.  Why?  Because, most investors are glued to the financial channels, constantly moving in and out of their investments trying to guess the market movements, oftentimes letting fear and greed guide their decisions.  At Sterling Total Wealth Solutions, we believe there is a better way.

Our active money management philosophy is a rule based, process driven approach, built around decades of research and academic studies that seek to eliminate the emotions often associated with individual investing.  Each sleeve of our investing model begins with a basket of investments which are then filtered based upon a multi-layered screening process arriving at the most highly favored positions and resulting in what we believe to be the optimal risk adjusted portfolio allocation for you.  We “actively” manage your portfolio with low-cost institutional funds, ETF’s, individual stocks, alternative investments, and bonds in a customized portfolio built just for you.  We seek to reconstitute the holdings based upon the above-mentioned criteria either monthly or quarterly depending on the model’s goals and objectives.

As fiduciaries, our goal is to create a portfolio specifically for your individualized risk and goals.  We document this portfolio in your own Investment Policy Statement which provides a roadmap for our investment decisions.  An investment committee reviews the portfolio during our weekly meetings, constantly looking for the best investments and strategies to be included in the portfolio, while your advisor works with you specifically, on your individual investment goals.

Click below to schedule your initial consultation with one of our financial professionals.

* Our investment philosophy does not guarantee a profit or protection from a loss in declining markets.  Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal.

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Sterling Total Wealth Solutions